Friday, August 24, 2012

Success at PennDOT

I returned to the Route 443 PennDOT license center with Mr. Jones (still not his real name) today.  This time we had done everything right, and he received his picture I.D. with expiration date.  It wasn’t a total test of the system, though, since he was replacing an I.D. he had lost.  Because of that, we also had to pay $13.50.  Still, it took us less than half an hour, and we were both very happy.  

One thing I thought was disconcerting, however, was when I gave the check for $13.50 and the clerk asked me how my peppers were doing.  I said, “How do you know I raise peppers?”  He said something like, “You’d be amazed at what we know.”

He was very nice, and we discussed the merits of various hot peppers, but I still find it somewhat disconcerting.

1 comment:

  1. With people like Corbett, I'm not the least surprised. Do I trust big brother (republicans) watching over people, I wouldn't trust them.

    Maybe he saw an article about you or something and was aware of your peppers and was playing with your mind.

    Too bad about the $13.50 poll tax.
