I love door hanger day. You don’t have to talk to anyone; you just put the door hanger on the door and go to the next house on your list. In Carbon County we covered all of our priority turfs and almost all of the second and third tier turfs. The Obama campaign is amazing--each door hanger listed the address of the polling place.
I worked two turfs in Lansford Middle in the early part of the afternoon. Lansford is a town with lots of foreclosures and many vacant storefronts. Quite a few of my targeted residences were empty or had a different name on the mailbox. Three people came to the door while I was placing the hangers, and all of them thanked me.
After Lansford I worked a turf with two high school students in the section of Lehighton known as the Heights. We zipped through that one in less than half an hour; a new record for me. Neither of the girls had knee or hip replacements, and those girls could run. That one was fun.
Tomorrow is the big day. In Pennsylvania poll watchers can challenge any voter without giving a reason, and we are afraid Republican poll watchers will do that. Challenged voters can find another voter to explain that they are known, and they can also vote a “provisional ballot.” The problem is that the voting process will be hindered, and people may be impatient and give up. It is sad, but Pennsylvania has an election system which is less fair and less efficient than almost all Third World countries.
We have been doing the door hanger thing here. But we are also knocking on doors and talking to people. We will be doing the same in the morning. That along with all the phone calls being made through the day. It's a lot of work but well worth it. I'm feeling confident! Keep up the good work.