Reality is hard for Republicans. This is the party that said that the Bureau of Labor Statistics lied about the unemployment numbers last month. And Republican congress members demanded the withdrawal of a report by the Congressional Research Service that said tax cuts for the wealthy didn’t create jobs. And global warming is a hoax.
But reality intrudes. 303 electoral college votes are a reality. Four more years is a reality. Senate victories in Massachusetts, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Missouri are a reality. The Tammy Duckworth victory is a reality, as is the approval of gay marriage in Maine and Maryland.
I know there are difficult issues facing this country, and gridlock and Republican intransigence will be major problems. Nonetheless, for at least a few days let’s savor the election results. We did it--again.
I love great food and this is better Than any dinner that I have had. I hope the taste in my mouth lasts a very long time. Even not having desert is very satisfying. Hilary in 16!