She said on a Sunday talk show that “high-quality aluminum tubes that are only suitable for nuclear weapons programs” were imported by Iraq and went on to say, in a memorable phrase, “We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.”
That would be National Security Advisor Condolezza Rice, and the year was 2002. It helped to launch a war in which thousands of American troops and even more Iraqis died.
I don’t recall Senators McCain and Graham making any fuss about that when Condolezza Rice was promoted to Secretary of State. Now they are trying to prevent Susan Rice from becoming President Obama’s Secretary of State because she repeated what the CIA told her about the attack on the Libyan ambassador.
The hypocrisy of these people is truly amazing.
I want to credit columnist Clarence Page for pointing out the disconnect by the Republican senators in today’s Morning Call.
I read the article and thought that the Iraq thing was one of our biggest mistakes. Just like Vietnam was too. Why do get into these wars. Makes no sense to me.