Saturday, December 22, 2012

The N.R.A., shill for the arms companies

When I was picketing the Romney rally in Weatherly earlier this year, I was asked if I were a Communist.  The question surprised me, and I answered no, but then I said I thought Marxist analysis can explain a good deal of politics.  My interrogator asked me to explain, and I told him you could sum it up in three words, “Follow the money.”

Yesterday I read in a New York Times editorial that the gun industry is a major contributor to the N.R.A.  Since the N.R.A. does not publish a list of donors, the best estimate is between $14.7 and $39.9 million since 2005.  Even that high figure might be conservative. 

Since a large majority of N.R.A. members support background checks for gun purchasers at gun shows, you’d think the organization might reconsider its stand.  No way.  There’s money to be made.  If a few kids get killed here or there, so be it.

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