#1: Michelle Bachmann announced that she would not run again for Congress. She said the fact that she is being investigated for campaign ethics violations has no connection to her decision. That she almost lost her last election also has nothing to do with the decision. She may actually be right. For a time she will rake in the big bucks on the “Crazy Right-Wing Speakers Tour.” (I think that is what they call it.)
#2: Lincoln Chafee, former U.S. Senator, and the kind of reasonable moderate Republican once common to New England, switched to Independent to run for Governor of Rhode Island in 2010o. He switched again, this time to become a Democrat. Welcome aboard, Gov. Chafee.
I would like to believe that to some degree she was hounded out of office by progressives. I know that currently the DCCC is circulating a petition to have her removed from the House Intelligence Committee. She most have some inkling of when she is rightfully being taken to task for speaking out of her ass.