In the 1980s I was a field rep. for California State Senator Jerry Smith. Sen. Smith, who represented more constituents than a U.S. Representative, was the author of the legislation which made the California coast public property. He also authored the legislation on joint custody for children of divorced parents. I am proud to have worked for him.
Although I had taught CA state government before my work as a field rep., I had never heard of a “clean-up bill.” I learned that when any major legislation passed the California legislature, the next year would invariably see a clean-up bill. This was legislation to fix unanticipated consequences that occurred with any major legislative initiative. It was routine, and both parties understood the need for it.
Problems have arisen with Obamacare. The Democrats see the need for a clean-up bill. Unfortunately, given the Republican efforts to kill the whole program (37 votes in the House so far), Democratic legislators are unwilling to open a debate on the bill.
On this Memorial Day I have heard a number of references to the U.S. being the
Greatest County on Earth. I’m not buying it. We can’t even pass a clean-up bill.
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