Monday, June 10, 2013

Party on the left

Linda recently received a fundraising letter for Ed Markey, candidate for the U.S. Senate to replace John Kerry.  The envelope featured a quote from Elizabeth Warren stating “He’s always there for the middle class.”  

First of all, I must point out that when your party needs every vote you can get in the Senate, it is really short-sighted to appoint one of your Senators to be Secretary of State.  Didn’t we learn anything with the Scott Brown episode?

Be that as it may, what happened to the “lower class?”  If you aren’t comfortable with that terminology (and you should be), how about the “working class.”  Why is all of the dialogue in this country about the one-percent and the middle class?  Do we just sweep the lower third under the rug?

When the revelations about the N.S.A. abuses came out, both Democratic and Republican Senators were quick to jump to the N.S.A.’s defense, attacking the whistle blowers who leaked this violation of the 4th Amendment.  A few senators--Udall and Paul spring to mind--spoke out against this wholesale abuse of privacy, but most of the Senate defended wiretaps and data collection.

What this country needs is a left party.  We have one on the far right, one on the center (or maybe center-right), and none on the left.  We really need one on the left.

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