You may remember the reproduction of the woodcut of the “massacre” in your high school history book. In 1770 British troops stationed in Boston fired on a crowd of unruly protestors, killing five. The troops were being pelted with snowballs, some of which contained rocks. It was never clear who gave the order to fire; it may have come from someone in the crowd.
The Boston Massacre is considered to be an important milestone on the road to the American War for Independence.
Yesterday in Santa Monica a gunman with a bullet-proof vest and an AR-15 killed seven people. He was eventually killed by police in the Santa Monica College Library.
You won’t find a woodcut of this in your history book. It didn’t even rate a front page article in the New York Times. The story was relegated to page 13. In America today, what’s seven people in a routine assault rifle massacre?
It's just collateral damage to the second amendment devotees. What I would like to know is why does he NRA not want background checks. Do they have something to hide. The answer must be yes.