Thursday, July 30, 2020

The funeral of John Lewis

It was so refreshing to see three former presidents together, two Democrats and one Republican, obviously respecting each other, not tweeting insults, there for the common purpose of honoring John Lewis.

And here is Trump, still botching the virus response, still trying to incite racism, and even talking about a need to postpone the election.  In case you are wondering, no, he can’t do that.

What he can do he’s doing already.  Getting help from the Russians, whipping up racist hatred, sowing doubt in mail-in ballots, lying about Biden’s positions, screwing with the Post Office.

Trump is right about one thing, however.  Trump supporters should take hydroxychloroquine.  That will ward off the virus.  It should be taken in large doses, and it will have no side effects.  (Trump has said so.)  Injecting bleach is also effective, as is drinking bleach.  Trump supporters also can gather in large groups without masks.  No need for a mask.  Ask Herman Cain.


  1. For all of the trolls who may read this post, as individual one has said in regards to taking Hydroxycloroquine "What do you have to lose?" After all, he knows more than anyone, because he is a very stable genius.

    Don't forget to follow the money in researching the maker "Sanofi" and one of the chief investors in the company, "Ken Fisher" who also happens to be a major supporter of individual one. It's always about the money!

  2. I agree. There must be money to be made for Trump. It seems to be his only motivation.
