Thursday, July 23, 2020

Kidder Township Distribution Center

Kidder Township is located in the northern part of Carbon County.  It is situated  in the Pocono Plateau and is mostly woodland, although it has a ski resort, Lake Harmony, and hundreds of homes built in recent developments.

Now a developer has proposed to build a 739,000 square-foot “distribution center” on approximately 117 acres of land.  Supposedly 250 people would be employed.  

The Weatherly School district and Kidder Township have already signaled their approval, because tax money (?) will roll in. 

This is an example of bad land use planning on so many levels.  Where will the workers live and how will they get to the “distribution center”?  (No public transportation in that area.)  How will the “distribution center” affect the local environment?  What exactly will be “distributed”?  Why are local school districts  still relying on property tax after all the promises by the Republican-controlled state legislature to reform this system?  Why is Pennsylvania giving tax breaks for a “distribution center” in the middle of the Poconos?  Why can’t we do public policy in a rational and reasonable manner?

Why can I actually get sued under Pennsylvania law for opposing this development?

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