On Wednesday the New York Times published a list of the top 20. I have not heard a single one. Before you dismiss me as a completely out-of-touch old man (which I’ll admit to), it is a real problem that we no longer have a shared culture in this country. At one time there were only three TV networks. People saw the same movies. The same songs were on the radio, and even out-of-touch old men knew “Yesterday” by the Beatles or “Where Did Our Love Go” by the Supremes. Everybody knew who was playing in the World Series, whether you were a sports fan or not. What teams were in the World Series this year?
Studies reveal that the top shows watched by Democrats differ completely from the top shows watched by Republicans. AM radio is mostly talk show junk. No one under thirty reads a newspaper, and newspapers are dying out. Covid has made this worse with quarantines and social distancing.
People no longer feel a responsibility to their fellow Americans; if they did everyone would be vaccinated. Voters no longer see a need to be informed; if they did they wouldn’t elect Q-Anon candidates. Many legislators no longer care about our country; if they did “ghost guns” and assault rifles would have been banned years ago.
But hey, maybe 2022 will be better.