Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Comparing presidential candidates

I was born in 1942 during Roosevelt’s third term.  It occurred to me tonight that every Democratic presidential candidate since I was born was better than every Republican candidate.  Here is the list:  Dems first.

FDR Dewey

Truman Dewey

Stevenson Eisenhower (though Ike wasn’t bad)

Kennedy Nixon

Johnson Goldwater

Humphrey Nixon

Carter Ford

Carter Reagan

Mondale Reagan

Dukakis Bush, Sr.

Clinton Bush, Sr.

Clinton Dole

Mondale Bush, Jr.

Kerry Bush, Jr.

Obama McCain

Obama Romney

Clinton, H. Trump

Biden Trump

Isn’t it an amazing list?  Where do the Republicans get these people, and why do people like Nixon or Trump win?  It is a puzzlement.

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