Sunday, October 8, 2023

The attack on Israel

Unfortunately for both Palestinians and Israelis, Palestinian leadership has been lacking in both morals and common sense.  Instead of helping its followers, it commits war crimes and causes misery on both sides.

There is a reason Gandhi practiced non-violence.  There is a reason Martin Luther King didn’t gather 30 or 40 armed followers and launch an attack on the armory in Montgomery.  Yes, people get hurt in non-violent protests.  Civil rights workers were killed.  Nonetheless, you and I know that an armed insurrection by civil rights activists would have been crushed and set the movement back by decades.

Suppose instead of killing innocent civilians in horribly brutal ways, Hamas had punched holes in the barriers and sent in men, women, and children holding signs that said, “Peace,” or “Freedom.”  Suppose instead of launching missiles at civilian targets, they had launched thousands of drones trailing signs that said “Rights for Palestinians” or “We demand justice.”

What they did instead was not only evil and criminal, it was unbelievably stupid and irreparably harmed the cause of the Palestinian people, earning the disgust of the civilized world.

1 comment:

  1. Gaza is a giant concentration camp. We need to let the Israelis know that is unacceptable.
