Wednesday, December 13, 2023


Lockstep is a form of marching in which the person moves in close proximity to the marcher in front.  It is can also be used to describe the behavior of the Republican members of the House of Representatives, i.e., they march in lockstep.  

You would think that at least ten or twelve of the more than 200 Republicans would support funding for Ukraine.  You would think that at least ten or so would balk at giving a Christmas present to Putin.  At least ten or so would have read about Munich and its results.  At least ten or so would say “This funding for Ukraine is far more important than my re-election.”

Nope.  They reward aggression, betray allies, pander to the worst in their party.  Lock stepping all the way.


  1. republicans are marching in Lockstep with putin. The republicans that are being praised by putin, should be called out by Democrats at their future elections on those facts. I prefer not to capitalize the republicans or putin. They don't deserve it!

  2. If I knew how to do emojis, I'd do one of those thumbs up.
