Sunday, January 5, 2025

I'm thinking of running for office

Counties in Pennsylvania are divided into classes by population.  Carbon County, where I reside, is a 6th Class County.  6th class counties have “row offices” such as Treasurer, Prothonotary, Clerk of Courts, and more.  Although these office holders do not make policy or set their own salaries, they are still elected by the voters.  Any registered voter can run for these offices.  

On the other hand, counties in Pennsylvania are allowed to adopt a home rule charter.  Two counties that border Carbon County, Northampton and Lehigh, have done that.  In Lehigh County, for example, the charter divides the county into districts.  Commissioners are elected from those districts, and the Commissioners appoint a County Executive.  The County Executive is in charge of the bureaucracy.  

Government is simplified.  It is less expensive.  It is staffed by civil servants who take tests before they can hold their positions.  It makes so much sense.

So, I am thinking of running for an office for which I am completely unqualified.  Perhaps Treasurer.  I will then run campaign ads and do interviews explaining that I am completely unqualified and thereby draw attention to the need for a home rule charter.  I obviously won’t win, but I may draw attention to some much needed reforms.  

I’m still mulling this over.


  1. You'll get some votes!

  2. Really hoping you will run!

  3. Ha ha! Sure, we can all see you doing campaign ads & interviews, going to events to garner votes, shaking hands at banquets——please know that you would have my vote in a heartbeat and that’s no joke.

  4. With this broad support, I almost have to run.
