Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Defeating Doyle Heffley

     The "recruitment pool" for credible presidential candidates is limited largely to governors, U.S. Senators, vice presidents, and an occasional general.  If we drop down to U.S. House candidates, the recruitment pool grows considerably larger, including mayors, state legislators, county officials, business owners, and labor leaders.

     Which brings us to the 122nd House District in the Pennsylvania legislature, the seat just won by Doyle Heffley.  The pool of potential candidates is wide indeed.  If we look at last year's primary, the six candidates included a county party chair, two council members, a township supervisor, a county solicitor, and a county coroner.  All six were credible.

     Heffley hasn't even been sworn in yet, but consider that the U.S. House Republicans began plotting their strategy in December '08, before President Obama was inaugurated.  Democrats can't wait until 2012 to recruit a candidate to oppose Heffley.

     I suggest that party volunteers, local Democratic office holders, club leaders, and potential candidates hold a meet in January to discuss candidates, strategies, and fundraising.  We're burning daylight--we need to move on this.




  1. I said the same thing on November 3rd. We need to look at viable options for a strong candidate to oppose Heffley next election.

  2. It may be inadvertent but there were seven candidates. The oil delivery man Mr. Kollar

  3. Hi Roy Just trying to figure how to post a comment
