Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Special election in N.Y.

As I write this, the people in western New York are projected to have elected a Democratic representative to Congress in what is usually an overwhelming Republican district.  The Paul Ryan plan to eviscerate Medicare was THE issue in the race.  The Republican candidate tried to back away from the Ryan plan, but it was hung around her neck, and rightly so.
Memo to Lou Barletta.  Make a note.  In 2012 you are toast.
By the way, had all of the Tea Party candidate’s votes gone to the Republican candidate, she would have won easily.  Tea Party candidates should be encouraged.  You need to run independent campaigns.  The Republicans will sell you out.  Stay true to your principles.  

By the way, don't you love the word "eviscerate"?

1 comment:

  1. Eviscerate, To remove the vital part of something; to remove the entrails.
    I had to look it up in the dictionary. Never heard the work before.
    I finally received a reply to my letter to rep. Barletta. It was only a form letter and did not address my concerns about run away costs in the medical circle.
    I assume it is a standard reply of the Medicare issue.
