Friday, May 6, 2011

Voter suppression in Florida

One way to win elections is to rig the electoral system.  This doesn’t only happen in Egypt or Zimbabwe, it is happening in Florida right now.  The legislature, with both houses dominated by Republicans, passed a bill that requires third party groups to submit voter registration forms within 48 hours or risk fines. 
Say I am a Green Party member, and I set up a table to register voters on a Saturday morning.  I register one at 9:30 a.m.  I’ll have to have that form to the registrar by 9:30 a.m. on Monday--not an easy task if I am working.  In addition, the bill limits the number of days for early voting to eight days from fourteen and ends early voting three days before elections. 
Furthermore, the bill would disallow on-the-spot address changes for people who move from one county to another.  Before the bill, voters could change their addresses at the polling station.  The result these changes will be to decrease the amount of Democratic votes.
Republican legislators say this is to eliminate fraud.  In the past three years 31 accusations of voter fraud have been referred to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.  
I am amazed at the continuing dishonesty of Republican legislators and governors.  They know they are lying about their real intentions, and they expect we will buy their lies.  I realize there are moral and decent Republicans, but I think it is time you change your registration.  If you can’t bring yourself to register Democrat, then at least become an Independent.
Note:  I obtained info on this bill from an article in the New York Times, May 6, p. A20.

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