Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Atheist TV

A group called American Atheists recently launched a new channel entitled Atheist TV. 

David Silverman, president of American Atheists, was quoted in the Times as saying, “The Discovery Channel treats ghosts like they’re real.  Bigfoot, psychics, aliens, ghosts, spirits, gods, devils—all bunk, all pushed by the so-called truthful and scientific stations….” 

As the article discussing the new channel pointed out, both dogs and Sarah Palin had their own channels before atheists did.

Not that Blue Ridge Communications will be carrying this in their lineup anytime soon.


  1. I once watched a two hour show on the Discovery Channel that looked just like a documentary on the existence of mermaids. It was done to bring attention to Navy testing the killed sea mammals and supposedly mermaids. Total fiction and even the survivor guy now looks for Big Foot while he is showing us survival techniques. TV is often 300 channels of unwatchable, mind numbing stupidity.

    1. I'd say "amen," but it doesn't seem quite appropriate in this context.
