Friday, January 2, 2015

Two-year-old kills mom

Ok, it happened last year, but let’s look at this.  A woman in Idaho had a loaded gun in her purse, and her two-year-old son unzipped the purse, pulled out the gun, and shot the mom through the head.

The grandfather of the kid is angry because anti-gun people will use this as an argument against firearms.  

I have two thoughts on this.  Why shouldn’t we use this as an argument against carrying weaponry?  It seems to me a perfect example of what is wrong with the N.R.A. and the gun nuts.  

Secondly, what kind of society do we live in where a woman feels the necessity to carry a loaded handgun into a Wal-Mart?  Are we so afraid?  Of what?

1 comment:

  1. Just another responsible gun owner. Crime must be running rampant in Idaho.
