Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A check from Ted Cruz

A letter came today from U.S. Senator Ted Cruz with a plastic window showing what looked like a check.  The outside of the envelope carried the message “Check enclosed.”

Of course it was a lie.  The “check,” made out to “Cruz for President” said “This check is a facsimile not redeemable or negotiable and has no cash value.”  If it is facsimile, it’s not really a check.

The whole thing was a plea for campaign funds.  It called for abolishing the IRS, getting rid of Obamacare, destroying ISIS, balancing the budget, protecting the unborn, and declared our rights were “enshrined in the Constitution, but they are granted by God and must not be violated by politicians.”

Evidently one thing that God does not worry about is Ted Cruz lying.  He did it in Iowa with regard to Carson dropping out, he did it in mailers implying voters who did not come to the Iowa caucuses were breaking the law, and he is doing it again with these fundraising letters.

He is a facsimile, just like his check.  He is an evil man masquerading as an upright moral candidate.  I wish he’d go back to Canada.


  1. I'm pretty sure that Canada doesn't want him back. If he did I would chip in for a one-way ticket. That's my two cents but he is welcome to it.

  2. I don't think they's want him back either. People in Canada always struck me as being so nice and polite. Cruz is the antithesis of that.
