Monday, February 22, 2016

Voting against Hillary

A friend of mine just sent me an email explaining that he would not vote for Hillary.  He is an activist who has campaigned for Democratic candidates, including Obama.  Now he feels that the Party is not giving Bernie a fair shot at the nomination, and he is angry.  
     I replied with the following message:
     I did that.  In 1968 I was so mad that McCarthy and McGovern were aced out by Hubert Humphrey that I voted for Dick Gregory in the General.  So did thousands and thousands of other people—they sat on their hands or voted 3rd party.  And guess what people like me managed to do.  We got Richard Nixon, prolonged the war another six years, pretty much ended the Civil Rights movement, and set America on a downward spiral.  As you might guess, I am really really proud of my youthful idealism.

     So go for it.  if you can’t vote for Hillary in the general, it won’t be your loss.  You’ll do ok.  It will be a loss for global climate change, immigrants, a woman’s right to choose, prisoners, poor people, people without health care, and students.  It will be a gain for the 1%, military contractors, a reactionary Supreme Court, and the Koch Brothers.  I guess that is worth throwing a little tantrum.



  1. For most of us it will not matter who becomes president. What we must think about is what kind of country do we leave to our children and grand kids. Lots of voters only think about themselves.

  2. If she's elected, it's a gain for all of the same groups that you mentioned as gaining with a Republican in office. That is why she is getting no love from younger and more liberal people.

    I actually had this discussion on friday night with my wife and some friends. Not one of them is even slightly considering Clinton. The reasons are simple. There is nothing that she won't do, she changes her position on things constantly as it suits her and most importantly to the ladies that were there is that she panders to the point of being insulting.

    She has a serious problem. She won't win the presidency unless something drastic happens. Sanders has a much better chance of turning out the people that we need to actually win a presidential election.
