Monday, April 9, 2018

An open letter to Times News columnist Jim Zbick

I actually agree with much of your opinion piece today. As you said, Barron and Melania should be off-limits.  The type of sarcasm or name-calling you write about has become quite prevalent.  Unfortunately the invective against the Obamas has been far worse.  In almost any bar in Franklin Township you don’t have to wait long to hear vile things about Michelle Obama.  I would also remind you of the “controversy” about Obama being born in Kenya, fanned for years by Trump.  Even today a majority of Republicans don’t believe Obama is a Christian.

Unfortunately, the type of behavior you decry starts at the top.  Remember “Li’l Marco,” “shit hole countries,” “rapists from Mexico,” “bleeding Megan Kelly” “low energy Jeb,” “Lyin’ Ted,” and, of course, the all-time hit favorite, “Crooked Hillary.”

Our president has removed the constraints.  Even his harping about “chain migration” brings Melania into the dialog, since her immigration was then followed by both her parents.

I think it is wonderful that Melania is taking on bullying as a cause, but she doesn’t have far to look for a true bully.  Unfortunately, the level of discourse in this country has descended into the gutter, and her husband is one of the main causes.

You really need to evaluate what you write with some humility and certainly some sense of fairness.  You owe that to your readers.


Roy Christman