Saturday, February 16, 2019

National emergency

Today when I went to the gas station on Route 209 about 20 cars were lined up, and people were filling jerry cans with gasoline.  I asked the attendant what was happening, and he said, “Didn’t you hear?  There’s a national emergency.”  

Then, when I stopped for a candy bar at Mallard Market in Lehighton, there was a line of people stretched down the aisle buying milk and bread.  I asked one of the people what was happening, and he said, “You got to stock up.  There’s a national emergency.”

On the way home I went into the hardware store and found people buying sheets of black plastic.  I said to one of the customers, “Isn’t it early to be buying garden covers?”  He said, “This isn’t for gardens.  This is for black out curtains for the national emergency.”

Now I’m sitting by my front door with a loaded 16-gauge shotgun.  I’m ready for the national emergency.  What I can’t understand is why our president is down in Florida playing golf.  Hasn’t he heard about this?

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