Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Trump is a putz

Over the years the Trump organization has hired many workers who lack the proper papers, only to fire them whenTrump’s hypocrisy was exposed.  The latest example is at the Trump Winery in Virginia.  On Monday the winery fired a number of workers, but only after the harvest was complete.  

The winery also recently posted that it was seeking foreign workers with guest visas to help with planting and pruning.  

By the way, would you ever buy Trump wine?

Info for this post is from Mike Baker,”Firings at Trump Property In Immigration Crackdown,” New York Times, (Jan. 1, 2019), p.A15.

1 comment:

  1. I have never bought anything with his name on it or anything that is associated with him! Let the MAGA people continue to be his suckers as they have swallowed his lies hook line and sinker.
