Thursday, February 13, 2020

Registering a Trump voter

Today Frank, who is 86 and a long-time activist, sat at a table with me at the entrance to a supermarket in Nesquehoning.  We had a sign celebrating that this was the 100th year anniversary of the 19th Amendment, and we were signing people up for mail-in ballots or to register to vote.  We weren’t having any luck with registrations, but we were passing out the applications for mail-in ballots.

I mentioned to an older women about the 100th year anniversary, and asked if she wanted a mail-in ballot application.  She said , “I have never registered to vote.”  I said, ”This is your lucky day,” and told her I could fill out the form in under three minutes.  She hesitated, then agreed.  

I got the name, address, and all that, and reached the boxes to indicate party.  She said “Republican.”  I said, “You know, the big race is in the Democratic primary with Sanders, Warren, Biden, and all the others.”

She paused, then said, “No, Republican.”  

Jesus wept.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you should have told her about how she came to have Social Security and Medicare. Many people do not realize who put these programs in place.
