Monday, June 6, 2011

Double Standard

I read somewhere--probably in The Nation--that a long-time African-American Democratic activist from Houston was invited to the Clinton White House for a function shortly after the Monica Lewinsky affair became public.   She was in the line to shake the President’s hand.  When he got to her, she looked him in the eye and said, “You dumb son-of-a-bitch.”  
Some of the topics I’ve considered for tonight’s post were the jobs issue, Syria, Bosnia, the immigration law in Alabama, the renewed efforts to restrict voting, or China’s growing concern with the environment, and here I am, writing about Representative Weiner, that dumb son-of-a-bitch.
It hurts when I read about a labor leader taking kickbacks, or a professor harassing a student, or a U.S. soldier mistreating a civilian.  I expect more of certain people and hold them to a higher standard.  I don’t care what others do--my side should be honest and kind and clean and intelligent.
Anthony Weiner was able to articulate the left position with passion and clarity.  Now he will be forever branded as a liar, a boor, and a cad.  It hurts.


  1. Amen to this post. I have admired Rep. Weiner for a long time for his progressive views. When he confronted the Republican representatives and chastised them for not passing a bill to give health care to the 9/11 first responders, it was so awesome. He stood up for the little guy.

    What I want to know is, why is Weiner out, and others who committed more heinous crimes still in? When are people like David Vitter, who had actual physical sex with an actual prostitute, still doing just fine in Washington, while Weiner is forced out of office?

  2. *oops, it should say WHY are people..
