First, some background. The Clean Water Act of 1972 had as its intent the protection of “all the waters of the United States.” Richard Nixon was the president who signed the Act. The actual job of protection was assigned to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Given the dismal record of the Corps, many environmentalists found this rather ironic. Nevertheless, the Corps did a reasonably good job, delineating and protecting wetlands and streams from developers.
In the past five years, however, Supreme Court decisions and the George W. Bush administration limited the Corps’ protective umbrella to navigable lakes and rivers. Wetlands, streams, and small rivers were no longer included.
Two months ago the Obama administration issued new guidelines reaffirming the original language of the Clean Water Act to include “all the waters.”
Now, according to an editorial in the New York Times (6/17/11, p. A34), the House Appropriations Committee Republicans added a provision to the Army Corps spending bill that prohibits the Corps from using any of its appropriations to “develop, adopt, implement, administer or enforce” the administration guidelines.
When I was a little kid, my mom wouldn’t let me say I hated anyone. She said that hate was too strong a word. Out of respect to her, let me just say that I strongly dislike the House Republicans. They are despicable weasels. I shouldn’t even say that. It’s unfair to weasels.
Thanks for thinking about those Weasels. They do not deserve to be in the same league as Reps.