A group of five Carbon County residents drove to Harrisburg today to lobby our county’s legislators, urging them to impose a severance tax on the natural gas extracted from Marcellus Shale. They met with Rep. Heffley and Senator Argall and a representative from Sen. Yudichak’s office.
This does not mean that tomorrow a severance tax will be passed, but it is an example of what ordinary citizens can and should do. You don’t have to be a professional or a campaign contributor to “lobby.” Every time you send a state or federal representative a letter or an email or visit the office or make a phone call you are lobbying.
I worked as a field representative for California state SenatorJerry Smith in the 1980s. Smith represented a portion of Santa Clara County. I can guarantee you that either the Senator or a staff member read every piece of mail and answered every phone call. That was before email, but I am certain legislative offices read email as well.
Here’s a few quick pointers.
- Know your subject. The Carbon County lobbying group had done their homework on the effects of drilling in Pennsylvania.
- Be polite. I believe all five of the lobbyists were liberal Democrats and environmentalists, but they were respectful when they spoke to Rep. Heffley.
- Lobby your own representatives. You are much more effective when you are a constituent.
- Don’t threaten to withhold your vote at the next election. Threats don’t work with legislators anymore than with other people.
In case you are curious, I was not one of the five. I stayed home to make rhubarb-strawberry jam. I’ll be the first to admit that my priorities are totally screwed up, and I am sorry I was not in Harrisburg today where I belonged.
Just a test. My brother is having problems trying to post comments.