Friday, September 13, 2013

Standing up to the N.R.A.

Two Colorado legislators who voted for background checks for people who buy firearms and supported limiting magazine clips to 15 rounds were voted out of office in a recall this week.  The N.R.A., which poured money into the race, is now using the recall as a warning to other legislators who might support limits on weaponry.

Note that I didn’t have to explain “magazine clip.”  If I had been posting this in Canada or Belgium, I would have defined that term.  In gun-crazy United States everybody understands.

Note that the Colorado law was not an onerous burden on gun owners.  Why shouldn’t people who purchase guns undergo a check?  Why does anyone need more than 15 rounds?  In fact, 15 rounds is way more than necessary.

Finally, how refreshing it is to find legislators who are willing to risk their seats to vote their principles.  Wouldn’t it be sweet if some Republican legislators in Pennsylvania were willing to buck the party leadership, even if it meant they wouldn’t get campaign funding?  Won’t happen.  

Years ago I read John Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage.  The subject was legislators who were willing to vote their principles, even if the votes led to certain defeat.  Legislative courage seems in short supply, but at least two legislators in Colorado had it.

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