Last night I made current jelly. I have currants growing behind our house, but this year they were like BBs, and I had to buy two quarts from Tom Merkel, the best and most knowledgeable farmer in Carbon County, Pennsylvania. Tom’s currents were the size of peas. For nine jelly jars, you need 20 cups of currents.
If you are knowledgeable about currents, you know their season has passed. What I do is freeze them until I have the time to make the jelly.
Tonight I made sour cherry jam. (The difference is that to make jelly, you strain the juice through a cheesecloth; to make jam you use the whole fruit). I love making jellies and jams. I use the same recipes my mom used, and I use the same jar puller and hot water boiler. I like to hear that pop when the jars seal. Tomorrow, unless it is raining too hard, I will pick blackberries for blackberry jam.
Oh yeah, when we were putting up a Biden sign on 443, a guy driving a pickup truck stopped and said, “Is that a joke?” I walked over to the truck and said, “We have to keep doing this because they steal our signs.” He said, “They should steal your signs. Are you a Black Lives Matter or a terrorist?” I said, “I’m a communist,” and away we went, with yelling, finger pointing, and insults. Linda ran over and dragged me away. I need to get a grip. I did not handle that well.
You should have said "The joke is in the White House."
ReplyDeleteWhy can't I think of that kind of an answer at the time? That would have been so much better than losing my temper.