Thursday, August 27, 2020

Directing your anger

 Yesterday I noticed that one of my neighbors, George G., had stuck a Trump yard sign in his front yard.  George is probably in his late eighties or early nineties.  His wife is prejudiced against gays.  He could not tell you about separation of powers, the federal system, or how using the White House as political prop violates the Hatch Act.  He may have heard of global climate change, but probably thinks this warming trend will soon go the other way.  He never met a Mexican farmworker.  It is not that he is a “deplorable,” he’s just uninformed–an old Pennsylvania Dutchman whom I once worked with who gave me rides to work.  I like him and his wife, who, I can attest, is a really good baker.

Then there is Pat Toomey.  A U.S. Senator who knows about the Hatch Act, has a good understanding of the separation of powers, and knows Trump is an ignorant clown.  Toomey is part of the Club for Growth, a conservative organization that cares little about anything except making money on the stock market.  The stock market is riding high.  Will Toomey criticize Trump?  Will he call him to account?  Of course not.  He will sell his soul if it brings him a profit.

I can forgive George G.  I cannot, and will not, forgive Toomey.  Toomey is a willing pawn who puts his self-interest above that of the nation.  Toomey is the one with whom we should be disgusted.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunate, there are too many people like George G. who fall for a snake oil salesman. They are mostly good people.
