It was in 1800. Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican, was running against Federalist John Adams. Both had been active participants in the American Revolution, but Adams regarded Jefferson as a pro-French radical. Congress had even passed the Alien and Sedition Acts to punish publications considered dangerous to public order. Nonetheless, when Jefferson won, Adams handed over power. It was the first time in American history that an opposition party took power peacefully, and it set a precedent for 216 years.
Until now.
Trump doesn’t understand democratic transition. His talk about postponing elections, rigged elections, and fraud are all harbingers of despotism. He has already put a crony in charge of the Post Office who is cutting overtime, delaying the mail, and attempting to hinder mail-in ballots from reaching county offices before the deadline for counting ballots. Pennsylvania is a state that only counts ballots that arrive by the deadline, not by when they are postmarked.
I don’t think any of this will work, but it is scary. I hope the center holds. I hope that government agencies will follow the Constitution, not Trump, although what is happening with unidentified federal enforcement officers acting on Trump’s behalf in American cities makes me question that.
I was angry and disappointed when Bush beat Gore on what I regarded as an unfair action by the Supreme Court, but I didn’t fear for the future of the Republic. Now I do. If Trump is somehow re-elected, I sincerely believe the American democratic experiment is over.
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