Friday, August 30, 2024

Jill Stein, Traitor to the Green Party cause

I believed very strongly in most of the Ten Key Values of the Green Party at the time I joined it.  How could I not support “Social Justice and Equal Opportunity” or “Feminism and Gender Equality” or “Personal and Global Responsibility.”  On some I was not totally committed; for example, “Decentralization” or “Non-Violence,” but I could live with them.  

I know that Donald Trump does not support a single one of the Ten Key Values.  Not one.

In Wisconsin in 2026, when Jill Stein ran for President and got 31,072 votes, Hillary Clinton lost to Trump by 22,748 votes, Stein threw that state to Donald Trump, the antithesis of the Green Party ideology and the Ten Key Values.

Ralph Nader did the same thing on a national scale to Al Gore in 2000.  It was one of the main reasons I quit the party.  The goals of a party are important to me.  Not the candidates, the goals.  “Eyes on the Prize.”  Donald Trump denied the whole idea of global warming.  He was the most anti-environmental president we’ve ever had.  For an “environmentalist” to aid his re-election in any way betrays either stupidity or personal egotism. 

Stein is running in Wisconsin again this year.


  1. My sister voted for Jill Stein in 2016. I was angry but never said anything because her cancer came back. My father would have been very angry!

  2. Don't blame your sister; blame a Green Party that has lost its way.

  3. Actually, I blamed my late brother-in-law's influence.
