Thursday, August 1, 2024

What is wrong with Carbon County Republican leaders?

I don’t think of myself as particularly moral, and I don’t think my friends would either, but I do have certain standards.  At one time I was active in the California Democratic Party, chair of the Santa Clara County Democratic Party, member of the State Committee, delegate to the Midterm convention in Memphis.  Nonetheless, when the California Democrats elected a State Chair who was a developer, lacked all environmental credentials, and got the position because he was rich, I quit the party.  It violated my ideas of what the Democratic Party should stand for.  I was a Green Party member for over a decade, until I moved to Pennsylvania.

Recently the Carbon County Republicans had their county picnic.  They had life-sized cutouts of Trump and Vance and proudly had their pictures taken with the cutouts.  The men and women at the party included County officials and at least one state legislator, Doyle Heffley.  Why would you want your picture taken with a facsimile of a man who denied the legitimacy of a fair and free election, who is a convicted felon, who mocks women, who brags about overturning Roe, who admires Putin, who caused thousands of deaths during Covid by saying stupid things, who says that after this election Christians won’t need to vote again, who separated children from their parents?

Are these Republicans so wedded to their party that they feel they have to suspend their integrity and their moral judgement?  These are not just some run-of-the-mill party registrants; these are local leaders.  

I do know Republicans who have rejected Trump.  They are people I admire.  The local leaders who proudly stand with Trump, even if it is just a paper cutout, disgust me.

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