Thursday, November 7, 2024

President Biden's resignation

This evening I sent a message to President Biden asking him to resign from the presidency.  After all, we do have a precedent in the resignation of President Nixon, although that was for a much different reason.  If Biden resigned now, Kamala Harris would be the President.  That would put an end to the “can a woman be president?” issue.  Also, it might send President-elect Trump over the edge.


  1. Positively brilliant, Roy! I have mentioned that same idea to several people in the last couple days too.

  2. I don't want Biden to go out that way. It's bad enough that he'll never be able to drive that classic Corvette he owns.

    At the inauguration, I want him to pull out a small Beretta and shoot that f***** in the ear, but get the angle right so I never have to hear him talk again

  3. I want to revise my previous comment: I think Joe Biden should stay in office and tell Trump that now that he's using North Korean troops against Ukraine we're going to give Ukraine the nuclear weapons back. And if he doesn't get out of Ukraine, we should. Better a deadline than a live sheep.

  4. That should read,."dead lion", not deadline. I hate writing with my phone.

  5. The idea has also occurred to me. At this point, Joe appears to be asleep at the wheel, which makes it Harris' job to step in if he's incapable of carrying on, anyway.

    Biden is a lame duck with less than two months to go. Making Kamala Harris the first female president (albeit with an asterisk) would accomplish two things: It would be a big "fuck you," and Trump would be apoplectic.

    Trump would spend a couple years obsessing over it and talking about it. It would distract him, like a dog being given a meaty bone.
