Monday, November 18, 2024

Songs from the Great Depression

Tonight, in a depressed mood, I listened to an album entitled “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime:  American Song During the Great Depression.”  The album included songs like “I Ain’t Got No Home in This World Anymore” by Woody Guthrie, “Fifteen Miles from Birmingham” by the Delmore Brothers, and “All In Down and Out Blues” song by Uncle David Macon.  

Yesterday the Times published an article about all the rich people who had backed Trump in the belief that he would make them richer.  Case in point–Elon Musk.  And he probably will.

I’ve read so many articles that said that the Democrats should appeal more to the working class, to people who haven’t made it and aren’t about to.  That should be easy for me.  I have never liked rich people.  Most of them seem to be parasites.  Hedge fund managers, CEOs who never set foot in a distribution center or a production line or used a wrench or loaded a truck, financiers, crypto bros, guys who make a living moving money around, Harvard-trained attorneys...I dislike that whole crowd.  It’s almost visceral.

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