Thursday, April 21, 2011

Loudmouth Democratic Operative

Linda Christman’s challenge to Lou Barletta at his “town hall” at the Amvets in Lansford last night had an impact.  She stood up during Barletta’s defense of ending Medicare and called him out.  She pointed out that while people 55 and over might not be affected, she cared about those under 55 as well.  Two guys wearing chopped-up snake T-shirts yelled at her to sit down and shut up, and another guy told them to shut up, and the place erupted. 
Barletta’s office today said the whole thing was part of a “coordinated effort by Democrats to disrupt the event” (it wasn’t) and said Linda “deliberately set a raucous tone” (I thought she was rather respectful).  One conservative blog called her “a loudmouthed Democratic operative,” which I actually thought nailed it pretty well.
She was interviewed by “” and the Wall Street Journal and featured on Channel 13.  Oh, yeah, and on MSNBC.  I can’t wait to hear what Glenn Beck says.
My own feeling about this is that Barletta made his reputation attacking people who really had no way to fight back.  Now a woman stands up and confronts him, and he can’t handle it.
You can read about this (and see Linda’s picture) if you go to <>.
At area political events I’m often introduced as “Linda Christman’s husband.”  What an honor.


  1. Ms. Christman was constitutionally and patriotically correct in asking Rep. Barletta why did not he run on the platform of doing away with Medicare.
    It is an unethically and morally indefensible action on the part of Lou Barletta to omit this from his campaign platform.
    When Republicans talk of death panels this is what they mean. Get the elderly off Medicare and into a privatised medical programs. Some people might call this genocide of the elderly or euthanasia of the elderly but it is the Republican way.
    The elderly, widows and orphans should challenge Barletta and his Tea Party cronies.
    The Tea Party and Barletta are going after your Social Security if they succeed in doing away with Medicare.

  2. Its amazing how Rep. Barletta used an ad in his campaign about Rep. Kanjorski how he voted to gut Medicare of $500M. This was a vote getter for him with the Seniors. They fell for this. Along he is just another GOP that wants to do away with SS and Medicare. All they are doing with the 55 and older is using that to assure the present seniors that there entitlements will be safe. After that good luck to anyone under 55.

  3. I have another thought regarding the GOP plan for vouchers to buy insurance.
    The GOP proposes $15,000 to enable one to purchase there own Health plan. If that's such a great deal and they believe that is enough money for one to buy insurance, then why is it necessary to even change the present system. Seems like someone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
    At the rate of inflation in health care that $15K will be more like $30K to $45K by the time the under 55 people will be eligible to start.

  4. This country needs a million more people like Linda. I'm proud of her and I don't even know her.

    If my congressman Roskam, would hold a town hall I would love to have a conversation with him. He seems to only want to do Tele-Town halls. He can control his situation better that way. I don't think he has the guts to confront people one on one. He won't even acknowledge my emails or hand delivered letters to his district office.
