Sunday, April 17, 2011

Severance Tax

The Carbon County Democrats for Change set up a table at the Jim Thorpe Earth Day celebration today to collect signatures on a petition calling for a severance tax on natural gas.  The results were heartening.  Most people had heard of Marcellus Shale, knew something about the issue, and were willing to sign the petition.  Quite a few were angry about Gov. Corbett refusing to consider this source of revenue when the state is in such bad financial shape.
You’re probably saying to yourself, but this was at an Earth Day celebration, what did you expect?   What I learned from talking to people was that most of them were simply tourists attracted by the music and the activities.  The vendors may have met the stereotype of “environmentalist,” but the passersby were a mixed bag.  
The fact that so many people were willing to actually put name and address on a petition should give our elected representatives pause.  Why is Pennsylvania the only state to forego a severance tax on natural gas?  Why is our governor in the pocket of the drilling companies?  This issue is not about to go away.
[I did meet one woman who told me she didn’t vote because the whole system was rigged. How did George W. Bush win two elections?  And as for Obama, he was ruining the country and further evidence of the rigged system.  I told her I agreed with her--the country was better off if she didn’t vote.]

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the lady who didn't vote. The biggest problem this country has is the people who don't bother to be informed about issues that will have a major impact on their lives and their families. They are probably just too busy with other important things in their lives---like watching TV and complaining how bad things are in their lives and that the system is rigged. It's not rigged, it's the laziness of people to vote and make their voices heard! If you don't vote--don't complain. If you do vote--get informed. It is the responsibility of voters to know the issues and vote their hearts, if they have one.
