Saturday, April 27, 2013

Obama caves on sequester

The sequester was supposed to be painful to everyone, right?  All programs would be cut.  No favorites.  

Then some people experienced airport delays and called their congress members.  Congressman Dent from Allentown noted that he had received many calls about this.  He did not say how many calls he had received from people who were not getting Meals on Wheels, but those aren’t the kind of people who call their member of Congress. 

Congressional Republicans, who we all know don’t care an iota about cuts to programs for the poor, proposed legislation to restore FAA funding.  Congressional Democrats, who should have held firm, rushed to join their Republican colleagues.  

President Obama, who could have taken a principled stand and vetoed the measure until cuts were restored to programs to help the poor, caved.  He announced that he would sign the legislation.  The word is out on President Obama.  He caves.  

1 comment:

  1. Obama was voted in over Hilary Clinton because he ran to the left if her. Obama ran as a liberal. He ran as a guy who we thought could put his arm around you and get something done. He had two years of Dem majority in the House and Senate and passed Obama care.

    I am somewhat disappointed in his tenure. These are the time I wish the Dems were like the Republicans who push their agenda through and take no prisoners.
