Thursday, August 9, 2018

Asylum Seekers

It is perfectly legal to ask for asylum at a border.  Countries around the world are familiar with the process, although the granting of asylum obviously varies.  To be granted asylum, the usual test is a “credible fear.”  People asking for asylum are not sneaking across the border; they present themselves to authorities and explain the reasons they are seeking asylum.

How about this for a reason?  “I can’t go back to my country.  They’ll kill me if I go back.”

Under the current Administration policy this is not good enough.  People are being rejected for asylum after only a quick review of their claims.  This policy was implemented by the proud Christian (as he proclaims at length) Jeff Sessions.

During the first six months of this year, under 15% of asylum seekers were granted asylum.  This is the kind of nation we have become.

Acquaintances of mine are Trump supporters.  I am still civil to them, but I do not see how people can support this man.  Some of these people I regarded as close friends.  I can no longer do that.  I will continue to be civil, but I will always be uneasy in their presence.  I will always be asking, “What kind of person is this.?”

U.S. policy changes on this began months ago.  See Miriam Jordan, “Big Jump in Rejections at the Border as Asylum Seekers Face New Hurdles,”

New York Times, (Aug. 8, 2018), p. 13.


  1. And then there is the chain migration issue. Melania's parents just became U.S. citizens. I guess trump's disliking chain migration does not apply in Melania's case.

    Wasn't there an issue with Melania performing work in the U.S. without a green card? Just saying.

  2. I never ceased to be amazed by the behavior of this president.
