Friday, August 31, 2018

Who are these people?

Trump always stages his rallies so we see a large group of supporters cheering and clapping behind him.  I look at them, and I ask–don’t they care about the environment?  Are they ok with separating kids from their parents?  Do they not care about college debt, or vulgarity in the White House, or a President who routinely lies.  Do they not support equal rights for women?  Don’t they worry about our country supporting dictators?  Do they really think that global warming is a hoax?  

I’ve heard over and over again that we must try to understand Trump voters.  We must not insult them, because you don’t win converts by insulting people.  I get that, but I don’t see how I could ever win those people over.  It seems like we live in separate realities.  

I also think it is time some of those Trump voters try to understand me.


  1. You can't change people who live in their own little world. Too many people don't believe in change. They want other people to change their viewpoints to agree with them.

  2. And most Trump supporters definitely live in a very insular world.

  3. Before cable news, there was Walter Cronkite, Huntley & Brinkley and Harry Reasoner. People read the paper. When you're in the Fox So-Called-News news bubble, all you see on your social media feed are posts that agree with your point of view, and your friends are all sharing conspiracy theory posts from Breitbart and Infowars, there's no way to make any kind of sound judgement.

    Some compare the above news sources to MSNBC or CNN (leaning left), but I don't think "our side" has any equivalent to the right-wing propaganda machine. It's insidious.
