Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Goodbye to winter

First came the crocuses, then the forsythia, then the hyacinths, now the dandelions and the daffodils, the magnolias and the cherry trees. 

The redwing blackbirds and the grackles arrived, then the red-breasted grosbeaks, and today the Eastern bluebirds and the tree swallows.

The spring peepers started their chorus about two weeks ago, and they are singing every night.  

Today it was warm enough for sitting on the porch with a cold Corona and a bowl of pretzels.  Summer is on the way.

1 comment:

  1. That day was a real pleasure. I had an eye Doctor checkup so that took away some time from being outside. After getting home I spent the afternoon working around the year, garden, I even sat on my porch and just enjoyed the day.
