Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Me Too

Joe Biden is an old guy.  Cut him some slack.  Guys in his generation (and mine) grew up with different standards, different ideas of what was proper, permitted, and even expected.  That doesn’t mean I support him or even want him to be the Democratic nominee.  In fact, he’s pretty far down my list, but nothing I’ve heard would disqualify him from the presidency.

Having said that, I understand the women who felt uncomfortable when their space was invaded.  I hate being hugged.  In California it was even worse; people kissed each other.  I didn’t do that.  When I was in the Fairfax-San Anselmo Green Party, our meetings opened with a group hug.  I would stand on the porch until the hug was over and was known as “the Green Party guy who doesn’t hug.”  

Sal Mineo once starred in a film in which he stated forcefully, “Don’t touch me, man.”  That is exactly how I feel.  And if you think that is weird, so be it.  It is my space you are invading, so back off.  Please.  And yes, I am quite serious.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Edited to include a link...

    I think I would feel better about Uncle Joe if he would give an honest and sincere apology, which I don't feel he has done yet.

    He's low on my list, too, mainly due to his role in the bankruptcy bill that made it harder for people to pay back student loans, among other harsh restrictions.

    Long article:

    With the good field of candidates we have now, I get nervous with all the media reports saying that Biden is seen as our only hope against Trump. I certainly hope not!
