Saturday, August 14, 2021

Jason Arena's rant

 I sense that people are losing patience with the unvaccinated.  They are losing patience with people who say “It’s a personal decision,” when obviously it’s not; it puts the rest of us at risk.  They are losing patience with overcrowded hospitals, with governors who minimize the pandemic, with people who politicize science.

Jason Arena from North Carolina went into an obscenity-laced rant after his wife, who suffers from breast cancer and needed hospital treatment, was sent home to make room for Covid patients.  Mr. Arena pointed out that if you don’t trust the medical profession to prevent you from getting Covid, why would you trust that same medical profession to cure you from it.  In Mr. Arena’s words, “Stick to your fucking guns and keep your mother-fucking ass at home.”  

The rant, originally on TikTok, has been viewed by over three million people.

1 comment:

  1. My view on American "freedom" is simple. It boils down to this: As long as you're not hurting anyone (except possibly yourself), go ahead and do/say/be whatever you want. Having said that, I've completely run out of patience with the unvaccinated and the unmasked. I have more sympathy for healthcare workers and people infected by the non-compliant than I do for the non-compliant who get sick with COVID.
