Tuesday, May 24, 2022


The governor of Texas has been issuing statements to the press.  If that governor had any sense of decency he would shut the fuck up.  He is part of the problem.  So are the candidates for office in Pennsylvania who announced proudly that they were pro-wall, pro-life, pro-gun.  So are the thousands of gun shops that sell automatic weaponry.  So is the N.R.A. and the local gun clubs that operate with its support.

I am tired of it.  Tired of little kids getting shot.  Tired of do-nothing politicians and swaggering would-be tough guys with their weaponry.

You know what will happen after this latest shooting?  Nothing.  Nothing will happen.  This is the United States of America where craven legislators don’t act except to pass “open carry” laws.

Nothing will happen.  I shouldn’t say nothing.  There will be “thoughts and prayers.”  Always thoughts and prayers. 

1 comment:

  1. Agreed 100%. What gets me is republican politicians love to talk about the right to life. But when it comes to gun victims, the second amendment trumps the right to life! I have always felt that republican politicians don't really care if people are hurt or killed. Thoughts and prayers are nothing more than a cop-out to them. I wonder how many more of them will bail out of the big NRA convention in Houston this week, Cornyn already has, no surprise there.
