Sunday, July 14, 2024

I'm baaack!

Nothing like a cross-country road trip, spending hours driving across North Dakota and Wyoming and the Salt Flats and Nevada and eastern Colorado and Kansas and the farmlands of Missouri and Ohio and the woodlands of PA to cause one to re-evaluate one’s life.

I'm stepping back from politics.  Oh, I’ll still vote and still work the Ukrainian Festival and donate some money, but I’ve decided to spend more time on my poetry and my garden.  Trump is a total asshole who deserves to be in jail, and Biden is an egotistical jerk who puts himself before his country.  RFK is certifiable. 

I’m 81.  Two days older than Biden.  I’ve pretty much had it.  Four years ago I thought I had seen my last Olympics.  And here I am.  I need to do some stuff that I enjoy.

While I plan to continue to post for some time, my messages may be all over the map.  I’ve also decided not to hold back.  I’m not going to be polite.  Perhaps not even reasonable. 


  1. This makes me want to cry, Roy!!!

  2. I can’t believe I hear these words coming out of your mouth… I’m stunned, and I wanna cry!

  3. I will still read whatever you post - I enjoy your insight / perspective and have looked forward to your views for decades

  4. As I am a couple of years younger than you, I get it! Enjoy yourself and have fun in your remaining years. You earned it!

  5. I hope you get a chance to spend more time doing things you enjoy, Roy.
