Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"Twisters" does not mention global warming

This past weekend I saw the movie “Twisters.”  The people who made the movie deliberately did not mention global warming.  They were afraid that many people who think global warming is a hoax would be angry and would boycott the film.

There is are words for people who think global warming and climate change are not real.  Idiot and whack job come to mind.  I sometimes wonder if these people never go outside, never read the paper, never listen to anything other than social media clowns.  

1.  On my trip across the U.S. earlier this month, I spent a night in Chico, CA.  A few days before I got there the temperature in Chico hit 119 degrees.  The house where I stayed is less than a mile from the evac zone for the Park Fire, which has now burned hundreds of thousands of acres.

2.  The New York Times today ran an article in the Science section on chiggers.  These are tiny mites that cause red bumps and incredible itching.  When I was a kid I read about them.  They were a southern U.S. problem.  In the past two weeks I’ve suffered from chigger bites.  They are here, in Pennsylvania.  

If you don’t “believe” in global warming, you really need to get off your goddam computer and go outside.  And please walk through some tall grass while wearing shorts.

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