Friday, July 26, 2024

Proud to be an American

The United States is riven with conflict.  Half the population seems to have no respect for democratic values.  The Supreme Court undermines women’s rights.  The internet is filled with lies and insults.  The Republican candidate for the Presidency ignores the Constitution he has never read.  You wonder if the nation will survive.

And then you watch the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics and you see America’s team–men and women, all races and creeds, waving our flag, enjoying each other’s company, representing the best of us, and once again you have hope for the future.  We can do this.   


  1. Your uplifted because you didn't listen to the podcast I listened to about banned drugs. Sad. Still, "behind the cloud the sun still shines."

  2. Do not take away my enjoyment of beach volleyball.

  3. Beach volleyball has nothing to do with a ball. 😁
